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Readership-oriented Strategies in Retranslating English Classics---A Brief on the 36th Forum for PhD Students
Author:   Update Time: 2016-10-20


Topic: On the translation of Uncle Tom's Cabin

Time: 15:00-17:00 (24 Oct., 2016)

Venue: A421, Building 6

Participants: post doctorate, PhD. Candidates, MA and visiting scholars

Chairperson: Prof. Zeng Lisha

Speakers: Yuanfei Chen

The Forum started by the introduction to literary works translated by PHD student Yuanfei Chen, who has translated over 30 books mainly from English to Chinese published in China over the past eight years. His experience in translation practice is so rare among PHD students and could be counted as one of the outstanding young translators in China.


Chen has recently completed his translated work of Uncle Tom's Cabin. He summarized and presented three parts in the forum: The introduction of the book to the readers; the postscript of the translated work; the case analysis in translation. What interested us is that his introduction to the book started with Chinese history of Taiping Heavenly Kingdom (1851-1864), which occurred almost at the same time with American Civil war. In his postscript, he illustrated his understanding with “thick Translation”, especially in the form of notes as paratexts. Lastly, he set a few interesting examples in translation practice.



Every participant is so indulged in his presentation. They had a very heated discussion on the role and justice of “notes in translation”. Pro. Zeng finally summarized and comment on Chen’s presentation.


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